Saturday, July 22, 2023

Alan came by. Around 7:30. We are on a side street in a commercial district, an automobile dealership immediately across the sidewalk, and a park on the other side. During the summer months Jackson is very open to Vehicles parking on the street overnight for up to 3 days. Alan came from a location that...


Alan came by. Around 7:30. We are on a side street in a commercial district, an automobile dealership immediately across the sidewalk, and a park on the other side. During the summer months Jackson is very open to Vehicles parking on the street overnight for up to 3 days.

Alan came from a location that... suggests that we were his destination, he wasn't just walking in the area.

It was very warm cordial and polite. He's probably late 20s.

I saw you the other day and I wondered what this is all about. I explained it's a big heavy slow Electric bicycle. That clearly was not what he was interested in, but rather the messaging.

The essence of what he heard from me wouldn't surprise anyone that's been following my writing. There was a man, by all historical record, his name was Jesus 2,000 years ago. Before he died he lived and taught a religion, a way to be in the world. I say these words that my joy might be fulfilled in you, he said. I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.

And before his body was cold people were making up stuff in his name. Who's to say they don't have the right? To make up their own religion? But they don't have the right to say it in his name.

And it's not the same religion. Jesus religion was about how to be in this lifetime. Paul's religion is about how to get a condo in the Sky by joining a club and saying some magic words and saying Jesus name every other word. Who's to say Paul isn't a great guy? Who's to say Paul isn't an apostle? But by no righteousness should he have said it in Jesus name.

Well into this Allen told me, I'm a christian. He Is clearly a strong individual, up to what I shared. He probably has never heard anything like what I just shared, I haven't either. There is no indication he was glad to hear what I said. But to his credit he'll probably never forget it.

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